The New York Times recently had a very important article titled, Bad News Bias, by journalist David Leonhardt. The author cites research showing that our major American media news outlets, whether conservative or liberal, left or right, have tended to portray negative news over positive regarding the pandemic. The researchers involved created a database of Covid-19 coverage from media sources both here in the United States and overseas and found that the coverage by our major media here in America has been much more negative than coverage by media overseas. In other words, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC all seem to be intentionally presenting the news with a bias that keeps us living in fear unnecessarily! To quote the article, “When Covid cases were rising in the U.S., the news coverage emphasized the increase. When cases were falling, the coverage instead focused on those places where cases were rising. And when vaccine research began showing positive results, the coverage downplayed it…”. But the reason for this according to the article is that Americans like bad news! We are drawn to hearing what is going wrong! To quote again from the article, “Human beings, particularly consumers of major media, like negativity in their stories… “We think the major media are responding to consumer demand.” Sounds like our American mindset needs correcting; our minds need to refocus!
Do you know that the Scriptures talk a lot about our minds and the importance of proper focus? They warn us about keeping our eyes set, not to fear the circumstances, situations and people around us, but set on G-d. The Hebrew phrase Yirat Adonai, the Fear of the L-RD, emphasizes that knowing G-d and being in relationship with G-d begins when we have come to have a genuine respect (fear) of G-d!
There’s an acronym that I learned recently: FUD. It actually stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. I think too often as believers we live lives of FUD. This unfortunately results in spiritual paralysis. How can G-d use someone who lives in fear of taking a stand for G-d’s values? How can G-d bless someone who is uncertain in their walking out of G-d’s instructions? How can G-d work through someone who doubts G-d’s promises as laid out in the Scriptures? Maybe FUD is the reason that America is so negative! Remember the quote from Richard Wurmbrand? There are two kinds of believers: “those who sincerely believe in G-d and those who, just as sincerely, believe that they believe. You can tell them apart by their actions in decisive moments.” America needs more true believers who will live not in fear, but in faith!
The Scriptures teach that when we first come into right relationship with G-d through our faith in Messiah Yeshua, we receive the immediate indwelling and the complete fullness of G-d’s Spirit of Holiness as a sign and seal of our relationship with G-d. We grow in relationship with G-d by faith as well! “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of realities not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Part of the Spirit’s work in our lives is to encourage us, to strengthen us, to empower us as we follow in faith His leading and prompting in our lives. But He can only do this when we accept who we are in Messiah Yeshua: G-d’s spiritual children! He can only do this if we honestly admit to Him that our faith is weak: G-d makes us strong! He can only do this when we intentionally step out and take G-d at his word: G-d knows the way!
Who or what are you afraid of? Are you paralyzed by FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt? Take seriously the Spirit’s work to encourage, strengthen and empower you for G-d’s purposes!
- Where
do you have your eyes focused? How deeply do you respect and fear G-d? Renew your commitment to live
your life by faith alone. Seek the Spirit of Holiness to encourage,
strengthen and empower you through whatever it might be that G-d will
allow to come your way!
- What
doubts do you harbor regarding G-d and his ways? Who is hurting your faith
in G-d? We all will
struggle from time to time with doubts and uncertainties, but don’t be
influenced by anyone, believer or unbeliever, who is cynical or skeptical
about G-d’s truth and goodness!
Keep your eyes focused on the truth of who G-d is, and who you are because of your faith in Messiah Yeshua. Don’t let anyone or anything divert your attention or discourage your faith! Trust and rely on G-d’s Spirit to encourage, strengthen and empower your life!
Forward for Messiah!
Kirk Gliebe
Rabbi &
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