Don’t we live in interesting times? By the time you read this the election should be over but the disorder in society will not. Below are reflections I’ve written out as a reminder that only G-d’s order endures:
The Scriptures teach that a G-d of order, in creating a world in perfect order, dictated to his creation an expectation of order for those who wished to be in relationship with Him.
The Scriptures teach that G-d’s world in perfect order was corrupted through the rebellion of his perfect creation, and that the disorder of our world is perpetuated by this ongoing rebellion of G-d’s now imperfect creation against G-d’s expectation of order.
The Scriptures teach that G-d provided a perfect plan to restore the world to perfection, a plan that includes most importantly the person and actions of our perfect Messiah Yeshua.
The Scriptures teach that suffering, conflict, confusion, prejudice, sickness and death in this now imperfect world are the direct results of this perpetuated rebellion against G-d and His order by His now imperfect creation, and that His imperfect creation will not ever regardless of secular effort be able to bring lasting order to this now imperfect world.
The Scriptures teach that spiritual perfection for imperfect people can be found today for those who humbly accept Messiah Yeshua’s atonement for themselves, making a restored relationship with G-d possible for those who desire to live according to G-d’s expectation of order.
The Scriptures teach that the complete renewal of perfect order for G-d’s world and creation will come about by G-d’s effort only with the return of Messiah Yeshua. מרנאתא (Maranatha)!
Forward for Messiah,
Rabbi &
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