Monday, April 11, 2016

How to Keep Your Faith from Growing Old

Today, April 11th,  I turned 50. Born at the time of the conflict in Vietnam, growing up during the crisis with oil and inflation in the 70’s and coming of age during the tensions of Nuclear posturing with the Soviets during the 80’s, my formative years were filled with a sense of uncertainty. Our world seems much the same today: conflicts … concerns … uncertainty. G-d always seems to prefer working in times of uncertainty since our uncertainty demands from us his followers total reliance on Him, The Certain One. 

Growing up with all this tension, both inside and outside my home, all that mattered to me was that I would be a success – I wanted to make my indelible impression on this world! I knew that being successful would require a well thought out plan!

A Person Needs Goals to be a Success! - (1975)
Interestingly enough, G-d messed up my own plans for success! I became a follower of Messiah Yeshua on July 31, 1981 at the age of 15 through the witness of my friends Russ and Jeff, and it was only after coming to accept Yeshua’s Messiahship that I discovered what true and certain success really was: knowing G-d and following G-d! This is what brings true success and a genuine certainty for life. I want to first encourage you to personally make sure you have truly come to accept Yeshua’s Messiahship and sacrificial atonement for your sins if you have not already done so. I secondly want to encourage all of you who do accept Yeshua to have proper life goals; to invest your time and resources to strengthen Messiah’s Kingdom effort through your life!

My Life Purpose Statement
(Phil 3:7&8)   That I may know G-d and make Him known,
II Tim 2:2)       Entrusting to faithful men what Truth I have
                                been shown, so that they will do the same,
(II Tim 4:6-8)   In order that I will finish the Fight                                                                           well in the Faith
(I Cor 9:27)      Not becoming disqualified. - (1984)

Remember, successful people don’t just live life; they attack it for G-d’s glory! Life is a gracious gift provided by our Heavenly Father. Only marking time is a misuse of that divine gift.          (1988)
I’m 50 years old today, April 11th. In my life I have seen too many well-meaning people, followers of Messiah, make very bad choices that leave their lives a mess, usually because they let their faith grow cold. I remember when I first heard that old Keith Green song:

My eyes are dry, My faith is old, My heart is hard, My prayers are cold
And I know how I ought to be, Alive to You and dead to me

But what can be done For an old heart like mine, Soften it up, With oil and wine
The oil is You, Your Spirit of love, Please wash me anew
With the wine of Your Blood

So how to keep your faith from growing old as you grow older? Below are five basic yet critically important principles that I live by and recommend to you:

1)    Pursue knowing G-d better each day of your life through careful reading of Scripture and intentional times of prayer with G-d
2)    Live a life of continual repentance of sin and actively distance yourself from the values of the world
3)    Commit yourself to living out a Radical Faith in G-d – always choose to do what G-d wants even if it’s hard and others think you are crazy!
4)    Determine to both be a disciple of a strong spiritual mentor and to be a spiritual mentor of those who need spiritual training and encouragement
5)    Share with others all that G-d has done for you

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the one you did do… Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain

If you are going to choose to do something out of the box with your life, explore, dream and discover G-d’s plan for you! Despite the uncertainty of our time, we know that G-d is working and moving our world toward His certain end, the Kingdom of our Messiah Yeshua! Live your life for the purpose of building up Messiah’s Kingdom through your time and resources. This will be true kind of investment will bring a certain reward.

Forward for Messiah!

Kirk Gliebe
Rabbi & Director

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