from within a community can at times seem like a daunting task. Where do we find the spiritual leaders, elders and children’s teachers we need for our communities?
In our own work in Skokie I have had the privilege in the last 10 years of working with a dozen young Jewish adults who either have gone on to ministry service within our greater Messianic Jewish Community or are preparing to do so.
You might ask,
“Where did you find these people?”
I’m glad you asked!
I started by looking at who was already attending my own congregation. Raising up leadership from within your own community starts with a consideration of who you have already, and what you are currently doing to personally, intentionally and actively mentor those people for effective leadership.
As the Apostle Paul challenges us in 2 Timothy 2:2, “And what you have heard from me among many witnesses, entrust to faithful people who will be capable to teach others also.” (TLV)
Identifying, Equipping, Empowering and Releasing leaders from within our own congregations must be the primary effort of our congregations!
The Body of Messiah will most effectively continue its all important task of impacting our world for Messiah Yeshua as we all together work to train more workers into the Harvest Field for the salvation of people!
Forward for Messiah,
Kirk Gliebe
Rabbi & Director
Great Stuff!