Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Ministry Life Cycle!

Everything wears out over time.  Cars, clothes, refrigerators…everything wears out over time! People physically wear out too, as we all personally know, but it’s a different type of wearing out. Everything has a life cycle, even ministries. Organizations and congregations don’t really wear out per se, they just become irrelevant.

Without thoughtful analysis, honest critique, and new ideas, great ministries become ineffective over time.

It’s really a simple cycle. Ministries most often start off frenetically, the result of G-d planting a vision or an opportunity before an individual, who then over time systematizes that vision or opportunity into a functioning ministry structure with others to enhance their effectiveness in fulfilling the vision. But if that individual isn’t hitting the refresh button (prayerfully, critically and honestly analyzing the ministry to make sure that it is staying true to the original G-d ordained vision while along the way intentionally developing and involving new leadership) that ministry will slowly calcify and become irrelevant, leading to organizational death. This is true of both ministry organizations and congregations.

G-d doesn’t raise up ministries, he raises up people with vision, whom he entrusts  to fulfill that vision. Sometimes that vision can be carried by succeeding people for a century or two, but often it’s just one individual for a few years or decades. When the individual loses sight of the vision, or is unable to effectively pass on the vision to others, the ministry dies. Most ministries die because the leader has lost sight of the vision.

At Devar Emet, we are working hard to stay relevant and effective in the vision G-d has entrusted to us to reach Jewish young adults, teens and children for Messiah Yeshua. 

How are you fulfilling the vision G-d has given to you?

Forward for Messiah!

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director