Friday, July 12, 2024

Looking to the Future!

I am very encouraged to have Marly serving with us this summer. It has been several years since we had a summer intern. Part of this is related to the chaos of the last few years, but most of this is related to the fact that it is very hard to find a good intern interested in doing serious ministry!

Much has changed in our Messianic Jewish Community, just like much as changed in the greater Evangelical Christian Community. There are fewer young adults, fewer people willing to give up their time to do ministry service for little to no pay, and even fewer people willing to seriously consider a call of sacrificial ministry from G-d. The pull of self interest and secularism is so strong in our society that it has impacted the Body of Messiah, and left us weak.

At the same time, G-d is continuing to build His Community and people are still coming to faith in Messiah Yeshua. There might be a perceived weakening, but G-d is not surprised. We should not be surprised either. We must continue to stay vigilant, work hard in the ministry to which G-d has called each one of us, and remain open to the opportunities that G-d brings our way. We also need to accept that some things just won’t happen the way they used to. In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he wrote,

“I solemnly charge you—in the presence of G-d and Messiah Yeshua, who is about to judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom— proclaim the Word! Be ready when it is convenient or inconvenient. Confront, rebuke, encourage—with complete patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not put up with sound instruction, but they will pile up for themselves teachers in keeping with their own desires, to have their ears tickled. And they will turn away from hearing the truth and wander off to myths. You, however, keep a clear mind in all things, withstand hardship, do the work of proclaiming the Good News, and fulfill your service. (2 Timothy 4:1-5 TLV)

I am grateful to know that there are still people willing to consider a service call from G-d. What has G-d called you to do?

Forward for Messiah,

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director