Thursday, January 5, 2023

A New Year's Secret!

At the beginning of our new civic calendar, it is natural for each of us to hope and plan for bigger and brighter blessings and opportunities in the New Year. I have always given much thought and prayer during this season regarding goals and objectives for the New Year: for my relationship with G-d, my family and my ministry. I hope you do as well. The truth is that such efforts are really an act of faith. No one can predict the future and assure for themselves success, regardless of how well they plan out their lives. At this season especially, it is important for us to remember to firmly place our faith in G-d, the One who does know the future, and to be sure that our plans and goals have Him at the center.

 When we maintain our faith in G-d and in his plans and goals for our lives, we will truly live successful lives.

Are you a successful person in the eyes of the World? Are you a successful person in the eyes of G-d? The Scripture teaches us the secret to a successful life: trust and obey! We will conquer the most overwhelming challenges if we just do what G-d tells us to do and trust in him regarding the unknown settings of the future. If we resist G-d like Moses initially did, then we will fail to know G-d's perfect plan that he has for each one of us. If however we listen and learn to trust in G-d, as Moses eventually did, we will come to find that G-d had everything perfectly planned out all along; all we had to do was ride it out by trusting for G-d to guide us to where we needed to go.
Remember the New Year’s Secret: When we maintain our faith in G-d and in his plans and goals for our lives, we will truly live successful lives. May your New Year be full of many blessings and opportunities!

Forward for Messiah,

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director