Wednesday, December 7, 2022

I’m Hopeful for the Future!

For an individual who reads and believes in the Scriptures, our current world easily seems out of order. But that is not G-d’s original plan. G-d’s perfect creation, as we live in it now, has been made imperfect because of mankind’s sinfulness. G-d, knowing our disordered and imperfect state, determined to redeem and restore his creation. As the Scriptures teach, G-d’s plan for redemption has two phases: first the spiritual restoration of individual people and then the full physical and spiritual restoration of all of creation. Phase one of G-d’s plan made it possible through the sacrificial atonement of Israel’s Messiah Yeshua for all people to be spiritually transformed, to be made positionally righteous before G-d, and therefore capable both to be in relationship with G-d and also to live according to G-d’s expectation of order.

Even though people today can come into right relationship with G-d, the true believer is still subject to living in a world that is imperfect and in outright rebellion against G-d and G-d’s expectation of order. No long lasting political, economic or moral solution for the real issues that plague our world is possible because of the spiritual brokenness of mankind. Our world needs phase two of G-d’s plan: the full physical and spiritual restoration of all of creation. In order for this to happen, G-d will impose himself and his expectation of order upon sinful mankind and his imperfect creation to bring this renewal. G-d will intervene in our world to bring final and complete judgement on sin and rebellion against him. All those at that time, both living and dead, who are not in right relationship with G-d through their personal faith in Messiah Yeshua’s atonement for their sin, will be subject to this judgement, a judgement of complete and total separation from G-d for eternity. All those at that time, both living and dead, who have come into right relationship with G-d through their faith in Messiah Yeshua’s atonement for their sin, will be blessed both spiritually and physically into a full and complete relationship with G-d as they live out G-d’s expectation of order on an earth that has been restored to its original perfection which will continue for eternity. At that time Israel will be the leader of the nations with Messiah Yeshua reigning as King over all G-d’s creation from Jerusalem.

True believers today seeking to impact their world for positive, Scriptural change, should focus their attention on living out G-d’s expectation of order in and through their lives as a public witness for G-d, regardless of personal loss or cost, and also to actively work to strengthen other true believers in Messiah Yeshua as individuals or as communities through the use of their spiritual gifts, resources and time. Live your life today focused clearly on the reality of Messiah Yeshua’s imminent return tomorrow. Live out values and priorities in your daily life today that demonstrate your personal investment in G-d’s eternal kingdom and his award for you tomorrow.

Forward for Messiah,

Rabbi Kirk Gliebe