Friday, June 3, 2022

Living as Examples!

In high school I worked at a fast food restaurant, Kentucky Fried Chicken to be specific. With hard work I was soon moving up the ladder! I became the chief baker, responsible for making the famous KFC Biscuits! This was no small feat. They had to be done right each and every time. My boss trained me, showing me example after example of what he wanted me to make. He drilled into me through his example his expectation for my actions. I never have forgotten the value of a well-made biscuit, or the value of a good example! As followers of Messiah Yeshua, we are responsible for producing something more important than biscuits: we need to be producing talmidim (disciples)! In order to make talmidim we have to provide for people an example to follow and then instruct them to copy that example! What does it mean to be a good spiritual example?

In Philippians 3:17 Paul makes very clear his perspective regarding spiritual example setting: “Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.” Following good examples has been essential in my spiritual growth and development as a believer. I have benefited by seeing strong and more mature believers model what it means to love G-d and keep his commandments. They have shown me by their personal actions the truth of what the Scriptures teach! What actions were most helpful? First I would say was godliness: the day to day living out of what it meant to die to sin and self. This was invaluable for me to see as a young adult who struggled with bad habits, personal stubbornness and raging hormones! Their examples, especially those who were at or near my age, gave me the strength and encouragement to actively confess and set aside my own sin and to seek G-d’s righteousness. Second was humility: choosing to humbly submit to G-d and others. I always wanted to make a difference in the world, but seeing strong and intelligent people, especially men, willingly choosing to operate in meekness with others reminded me that it was not by my might nor my power, but G-d’s, that ultimately would be required if I wanted to see anything of eternal value happen through my life. Finally it was the living out of faith: choosing to follow G-d and his instruction simply because G-d is real and his ways are true. Seeing people giving their lives, time and possessions for the faith they believed in even when it hurt or cost them encouraged me to do the same! 

What type of an example are you for other followers of Messiah Yeshua to follow? Does your example direct people toward a more maturing faith and relationship with G-d, or are you an excuse for someone’s decision to turn away from G-d? Something to think about! 

Forward for Messiah,

Rabbi Kirk Gliebe