Life is a real pain sometimes! I have been feeling this lately because once again, after a lot of work, I have had to cancel our annual HaDerekh Youth Israel Aliyah for a second year! There was nothing I could do about it. It wasn’t a matter of planning or preparation. It was an “Act of G-d” as they say. Of course, I blame the virus variants and a skittish Israeli government for being overly cautious.
In order to do what we do here at Devar Emet, we must maintain an attitude both of optimism and idealism. Optimism is hopeful confidence about successful outcomes, and idealism is believing in some perfect vision or outcome. Those in service for G-d must remain optimistic and idealistic regarding G-d’s calling for their lives to accomplish ministry work; we must remain confident in G-d’s ability to make his plans happen regardless of current situations and seeming limitations. Yet we must also apply at times a healthy dose of pragmatism to our ministry work, because G-d most often works and directs through the normal circumstances of this broken world, through its deficiencies and troubles, to achieve his perfect outcomes. Much good work for G-d comes out of the trials of those holding onto their optimism and idealism while being tempered by reality. This reminds me of Paul’s words:
I know what it is to live with humble means, and I know what it is to live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment—both to be filled and to go hungry, to have abundance and to suffer need. I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:12-13 TLV)
Just being pragmatic is not the will of G-d for believers. We need to take steps of faith and believe in G-d’s ability to work through us to do amazing things! Yet steps of faith are rarely leaps of faith. Walking with G-d requires a firm foundation!
Forward for Messiah!
Kirk Gliebe
Rabbi &