Monday, April 1, 2019

The Power of G-d’s Word!

March was a tough month for me. Wolf Schubach, my very good friend and mentor of over 25 years, passed away after a grueling battle with cancer. An immigrant from Germany following World War II, we bonded over our ancestral connection to Deutschland as well as our similar interest in the archeology of Israel. Beyond this though was our common passion for the Word of G-d. Wolf loved the Scriptures and the Hebrew Language, down to their very jot and tittle. Though a biologist by education and a business man by vocation, his passion for the last 15 years was in meticulously translating the Hebrew Old Testament. Four separate times he painstakingly translated through the entire text, working as he went to understand the unique meaning of each Hebrew word so he could express this unique meaning in an accurate English translation. Translating the Scriptures for Wolf was an expression of his worship of G-d!

Is it possible that for some of us, the Scriptures are too familiar? Could it be that we take them for granted, treating them as nice literature but not what they really are: G-d’s miraculous Word!  Paul challenges us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 with the miraculous and supernaturally unique nature and purpose of the Scriptures:

“All Scripture is breathed out by G-d and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of G-d may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (ESV)

Wolf appreciated Paul’s challenge, and spent the latter years of his life maximizing his ability to understand the Scriptures for himself. He challenged me to do the same. Consider for yourself: do you take the Scriptures for granted or are you maximizing the Power of G-d’s Word?

Forward for Messiah,

Rabbi Kirk Gliebe