Some time ago I came into contact with a book called
StrengthsFinder by Tom Rath. The book, a best seller in the business community
since 2001, helps people to identify their natural talents in order to improve
them. It focuses the reader not toward fixing their weaknesses, but instead
toward improving their G-d given strengths, which when you think about it, is
actually a Biblical approach!
G-d has made every human uniquely different and invaluable to Him,
endowing each one with natural gifts and abilities required to effectively live
their life. On top of this, for those who come to accept Messiah Yeshua’s
atonement, He also provides the supernatural enablement of the Holy Spirit so
that as his followers we can serve Him most effectively for His purposes. As
Ephesians 2:10 states:
For we are His
workmanship—created in Messiah Yeshua for
good deeds, which G-d prepared beforehand so we might walk in them. (TLV)
The Greek word for “workmanship” means a “work of art, a
masterpiece.” Too often we look at ourselves and we see our weaknesses, when
what we need to do is consider what Psalm 139:14 states, that we are “fearfully
and wonderfully made” by G-d, and remember: G-d doesn’t make junk!
I encourage you to consider both your natural and spiritual
strengths, and to work toward improving what G-d has blessed you with so that
you might be most effective in being the amazing artistic masterpiece that G-d
has created you to be for His purposes.
Forward for Messiah,
Kirk Gliebe
Rabbi & Director
Rabbi & Director