It’s that time of year again when we make time to look back at the
past to help us plan better for the future. It is hard to imagine that we are
now in our 22nd year of ministry with Devar Emet. This all
started as a burden from God as a way to more effectively reach Jewish children
and Russian Jewish immigrants. We stand amazed at all that God has done through
this seemingly little Outreach in Skokie that actually now makes an
international impact!
Effective Ministry
over time
through a series of
steps of faith!
Our vision at Devar Emet continues to be very
focused on the specific areas of ministry we feel God has burdened us to
pursue: “Meeting the spiritual needs of
Jewish young adults, teens and children, first through our own personal active
outreach and mentoring, then through developing our expertise into programs and
materials available for others to use.”
May God bless us all with an impactful 2018 for Him! Happy Secular
New Year!
Forward for Messiah,
Kirk Gliebe
Rabbi & Director