What is required to
achieve genuine honor? In Proverbs 15:33 it says that humility comes before
honor. The Hebrew word for honor is “kavod” meaning “weightiness\substance”. Its
counter intuitive, but the answer Scripturally is to pursue humility in our
believers we must understand that real honor in life from G-d comes as a result of genuine humility before G-d!
The two major themes
of Rosh Hashanah are Personal Repentance
and G-d’s Kingship. We must keep in
mind that we get to one by thoroughly understanding and appreciating the other,
and humility is fundamental to both. Understanding deeply who G-d is and what
he is capable of should compel us toward repentance.
How are you actively
recognizing G-d's sovereignty over your life? Remember:
· Fearing
the L-RD leads to a proper understanding of God’s sovereignty.
· Not
recognizing G-d’s sovereignty leads to personal arrogance, which leads to
· What
do you need to repent of? Humility leads to personal repentance which results
in honor.
Sometimes we miss out
on the honor G-d wants to bestow upon us because we fear man more than we fear
G-d. Something to stay aware of!
Forward for Messiah!
Kirk Gliebe
Rabbi & Director