Sunday, October 6, 2024

Are You Too Old to Change?

There’s a great deal of expectation for children to develop and grow. Why not? If they didn’t we would be changing our teenager’s diapers! I see our kids working really hard to teach our grandchildren to properly use the bathroom. It’s not only good for the kids, the parents benefit too!

Do you know that adults struggle with change? It seems to me that after about age 30, many people stop growing and developing. They slide into “life habits” and start coasting. It’s very unfortunate. In childhood and adolescence, the young are subject to structured education in school, forcing them to grow and learn. But real education, life education requiring serious change and development, really becomes necessary in adulthood, and it never ends until death. Most people coast because they become comfortable, and therefore complacent about their life development. They don’t have the interest or motivation to change.

The Scriptures are written almost exclusively for adults, and yet the Scriptures command people to change. One key passage is 2 Timothy 2:15, which is part of a larger set of instructions for people to take their spiritual growth and development seriously, else they lose it!

“Make every effort to present yourself before G-d as tried and true, as an unashamed worker cutting a straight path with the word of truth.”

A big requirement for change has to be community. It’s hard to change all by yourself; you need others who know you very, very well, to help you make serious change in your life. That’s why the Scripture commands close community, something very rarely practiced among believers today in America. We are too busy for one another it seems, too busy for G-d as well. Too busy to really make any serious spiritual change. But Hebrews 10:24-25 commands us otherwise:

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds. And do not neglect our own meetings, as is the habit of some, but encourage one another—and all the more so as you see the Day approaching.”

The Jewish New Year of 5785 has started. Take time during the High Holidays this year to reflect on your life: your priorities, the use of your time, your values, your commitment to G-d. What needs to change? I don’t care how old you are! What needs to change so you can better fulfill G-d’s expectation for your life. You’re never too old to change!

Forward for Messiah!

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Ministry Life Cycle!

Everything wears out over time.  Cars, clothes, refrigerators…everything wears out over time! People physically wear out too, as we all personally know, but it’s a different type of wearing out. Everything has a life cycle, even ministries. Organizations and congregations don’t really wear out per se, they just become irrelevant.

Without thoughtful analysis, honest critique, and new ideas, great ministries become ineffective over time.

It’s really a simple cycle. Ministries most often start off frenetically, the result of G-d planting a vision or an opportunity before an individual, who then over time systematizes that vision or opportunity into a functioning ministry structure with others to enhance their effectiveness in fulfilling the vision. But if that individual isn’t hitting the refresh button (prayerfully, critically and honestly analyzing the ministry to make sure that it is staying true to the original G-d ordained vision while along the way intentionally developing and involving new leadership) that ministry will slowly calcify and become irrelevant, leading to organizational death. This is true of both ministry organizations and congregations.

G-d doesn’t raise up ministries, he raises up people with vision, whom he entrusts  to fulfill that vision. Sometimes that vision can be carried by succeeding people for a century or two, but often it’s just one individual for a few years or decades. When the individual loses sight of the vision, or is unable to effectively pass on the vision to others, the ministry dies. Most ministries die because the leader has lost sight of the vision.

At Devar Emet, we are working hard to stay relevant and effective in the vision G-d has entrusted to us to reach Jewish young adults, teens and children for Messiah Yeshua. 

How are you fulfilling the vision G-d has given to you?

Forward for Messiah!

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director

Friday, July 12, 2024

Looking to the Future!

I am very encouraged to have Marly serving with us this summer. It has been several years since we had a summer intern. Part of this is related to the chaos of the last few years, but most of this is related to the fact that it is very hard to find a good intern interested in doing serious ministry!

Much has changed in our Messianic Jewish Community, just like much as changed in the greater Evangelical Christian Community. There are fewer young adults, fewer people willing to give up their time to do ministry service for little to no pay, and even fewer people willing to seriously consider a call of sacrificial ministry from G-d. The pull of self interest and secularism is so strong in our society that it has impacted the Body of Messiah, and left us weak.

At the same time, G-d is continuing to build His Community and people are still coming to faith in Messiah Yeshua. There might be a perceived weakening, but G-d is not surprised. We should not be surprised either. We must continue to stay vigilant, work hard in the ministry to which G-d has called each one of us, and remain open to the opportunities that G-d brings our way. We also need to accept that some things just won’t happen the way they used to. In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he wrote,

“I solemnly charge you—in the presence of G-d and Messiah Yeshua, who is about to judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom— proclaim the Word! Be ready when it is convenient or inconvenient. Confront, rebuke, encourage—with complete patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not put up with sound instruction, but they will pile up for themselves teachers in keeping with their own desires, to have their ears tickled. And they will turn away from hearing the truth and wander off to myths. You, however, keep a clear mind in all things, withstand hardship, do the work of proclaiming the Good News, and fulfill your service. (2 Timothy 4:1-5 TLV)

I am grateful to know that there are still people willing to consider a service call from G-d. What has G-d called you to do?

Forward for Messiah,

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Who is My Neighbor?

When I was growing up we didn’t really know our neighbors. We might have recognized them, said hello to them when we saw them, but really we had no idea who they actually were, nor did we much care. We were busy and so were they. Getting to really know people takes time and effort, and it’s even harder today than when I was growing up. We often nowadays have to literally go way out of our way to even say hello to people!

Who is my neighbor today? When Messiah Yeshua was asked this question he gave the illustration of the Samaritan fellow who helped the Jewish guy who was robbed and left for dead. The Samaritan went way out of his way to help someone who, in the content of their day, absolutely didn’t live next door to him. Yet the Samaritan expressed neighborly help that the two Jewish guys didn’t, who quite possibly might have lived on the same block as the Jewish guy who was robbed!

Maybe identifying a neighbor isn’t as much about proximity as it is about intentionality!

How often do we intentionally look to connect with people, regardless of where we find them? How often do we consider the needs of others, even when it inconveniences us, or even costs us? This month we celebrate Purim, and remember a couple of people who knew who their neighbors were. Individuals who weighed the personal cost of caring, and took intentional action anyway.  

At the end of the parable, Messiah Yeshua asked the Torah lawyer who initially asked the question, “Which of these three seems to you a neighbor to the one attacked by robbers?” And he said, “The one who showed mercy to him.” Then Yeshua said to him, “Go, and you do the same.”

Who is your neighbor?

Forward for Messiah,

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director

Sunday, February 4, 2024

True Passion!

Superbowl Sunday is almost upon us!! For many it’s more about the commercials than the game. Yet there will be many passionate to see if they catch a glimpse of Taylor Swift this year. Passion is an interesting concept. I say concept because I think too many people do not know exactly what passion really is. They express enthusiasm, stating their love for pizza or brats, or as we see with the Superbowl, their allegiance to their favorite superstar… or sports team. But is this real passion? Of course there are the romantic notions of love expressed, but is much of this real passion?

The English word for passion comes from the Latin word patere, which means to suffer. The Hebrew word for passion is נָ֫פֶשׁ (nephesh) which has to do with our very being, our souls. Thus passion is more than mere superficial enthusiasm; it’s something much deeper.

True passion demands intense emotional and personal suffering

in regards to something longed for!

I think of Rav Shaul, (the Apostle Paul), and his statement “…my sorrow is great and the anguish in my heart unending. For I would pray that I myself were cursed, banished from Messiah for the sake of my people… who are Israelites.” (Romans 9:2-4 TLV)

That’s true passion! That’s my passion! This is what drives me to get up early and work late. I want to see my Jewish people come to know who Messiah Yeshua really is!

What are you passionate about?

Forward for Messiah,

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi & Director

Sunday, December 3, 2023

G-d’s Illuminators!

Light is often used in the Bible to describe G-d’s people as His illuminators in the world. When G-d called Israel, He called them to be His light to the Nations: “I, Adonai, called you in righteousness, I will take hold of your hand, I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations.” (Isaiah 42:6 TLV). Messiah Yeshua, when speaking to his talmidim in Matthew 5:14, also made this point, calling them to be the light of the world! He then added: “Let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 TLV).  

G-d is always looking for people to shine His truth into His world.

Chanukah relates a low point in the history of Israel. The Jewish leadership in Jerusalem was living “lightless” among the Greek Syrians, following their pagan traditions and assimilating even some of their beliefs. A few faithful Jews refused to go along and so persecution came about against those Jewish people who refused to “get with” the Greek program; those faithful Jewish people chose to live as persecuted light rather than as prosperous darkness. Their actions led to a great victory for G-d and a spiritual revival for Israel. It is this rededication to G-d to live as a Jewish light among the nations that we celebrate at Chanukah.

What a responsibility and privileged it is for us to live as lights for the Light of the World: Messiah Yeshua!  This month, with everything going on both here and overseas, reflect deeply about what this personally means for you and how you can be someone who spiritually lights up a room!

Forward for Messiah!

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi  & Director

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Before Honor, Humility!

What is required to achieve genuine honor? Real honor is lacking in our society today, as everything related to character is like much of our societal values: cheap and superficial. What is required of us if we want to pursue real honor in our lives? It seems counter intuitive, but the answer is to pursue humility, meekness, in our lives. In Proverbs 15:33 it says that humility comes before honor. The Hebrew word for honor is “kavod” meaning “weightiness”.

As believers we must understand that real honor in life from G-d comes as a result of genuine humility before G-d!

The two major themes of Rosh Hashanah are Personal Repentance and G-d’s Kingship. We must keep in mind that we get to the first one by thoroughly understanding and appreciating the second, and humility is fundamental to both. Understanding deeply who G-d is and what he is capable of should compel us toward personal repentance.

How are you actively recognizing G-d's sovereignty over your life? Remember: Fearing the L-RD leads to a proper understanding of G-d’s sovereignty. Not recognizing G-d’s sovereignty leads to personal arrogance, which leads to personal destruction. What do you need to repent of? Humility leads to personal repentance which results in personal honor.

How can you work toward Humility?

·         Accountability - Honestly submitting your personal actions for review to others

·         Deference – Learning to understand submission and respect before others

·         Teachability – Desiring for yourself deep personal change and development 

One final thought: sometimes we miss out on the honor G-d wants to bestow upon us because we fear man more than we fear G-d. Something to stay aware of!

Forward for Messiah!

Kirk Gliebe

Rabbi  & Director